Being A Mensch By Mendy Lipsker{2:42 minutes to read} According to Wikipedia, the Yiddish word “Mensch” describes a person of integrity and honor. A mensch is someone you like and admire. They are a person of character and dignity with a good sense of right and wrong. To be called a mensch is to receive the highest compliment.

Then there is the “unmensch.” We all know this person. We pick up the phone and they say, “Hi. How ya doin’?” and we think to ourselves, “What does he (or she) want now?” These are the people who never call unless they want or need something from us. It is all about give and take: We give, and they take.

A wise man once told me that good relationships function like deposits and withdrawals at a bank. The more you deposit to your account, the more you have to withdraw if you need to.

If you are always contacting people only when you need something from them, you will quickly deplete your supply of “good will,” and they will not respond too well. You need to invest in the people around you. Nurture those relationships by being a “mensch,” and make regular “good will” deposits into your “relationship bank.”

How do you do that?

  • By being in touch even when you don’t need anything;

  • Being sincerely interested in the people around you;

  • Saying “Hello” when you see a neighbor;

  • Being friendly and caring to all with whom you come in contact;

  • Calling or sending a card to someone for their birthday or work anniversary;

  • Taking a few minutes out of your work day to call a colleague, prospect or client just to say, “Hello. How are you?”

  • Returning a call.

Being decent and professional translates into large deposits in your relationship bank. It’s such a simple thing to do, yet people respond so well to it. And should you need to make a “withdrawal,” those same people will be there for you. This is the foundation of good relationships and good business.

Practice being a mensch, and always give more than you receive. You will be glad you did.

Mendy Lipsker
Mendy Realty Inc.
822 Montgomery St
Brooklyn, NY 11213
Phone: 646.662.5454